Так как все присутствующие тут, на дайри, являются анимешными девачками и няшечками, я принял волевое решение открыть наши истинные лица. Лучшим решением для этого был рендом-чар генератор для Maid RPG.
ОсMaid's Name: Osia V.encimova
Maid's Age: 21
Athletics: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Affection: 2 + -1 + 0 = 1
Skill: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3
Cunning: 2 + 0 + 0 = 2
Luck: 2 + 0 + -1 = 1
Will: 2 + 0 + 1 = 3
Uniform Color: purple
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: yellow
Maid Types: Cool & Heroine
Special Qualities: Raven, Shy,Glasses,Tattoo,Easygoing
Favored Attribute: Skill
Maid Power: Lock Picking
Maid Roots: Slave
Maid Weapon: Magic
Stress Explosion: Running Away
Your name is Osia. You are 21 years old. You have yellow eyes and brown hair, and wear a purple maid uniform. You are cool and heroic; others describe you as doll-like, spirited and single-minded.
You are actually a raven, with black wings that can be displayed or hidden at will. You're exceptionally shy, and have trouble opening up to new people. You wear glasses; you can't use contact lenses, but at least they compliment your maid uniform. You have a tattoo somewhere (or all over) on your body. You are easygoing, taking things slowly and calmly, at your own pace.
You are a slave, and have no choice about your line of work. In combat, you use magic to attack your foes. When you are extremely upset, you run away from the mansion. Due to your notable Skill, you have the ability Lock Picking. You can enter any room whenever you feel like. This works even when someone is using World for Two.
ВаларMaid's Name: Luganna Valarova
Maid's Age: 21
Athletics: 1 + -1 + 0 = 0
Affection: 2 + 0 + 0 = 2
Skill: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Cunning: 2 + 0 + 1 = 3
Luck: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3
Will: 1 + 0 + -1 = 0
Uniform Color: green
Hair Color: beige
Eye Color: navy
Maid Types: Lolita & Sexy
Special Qualities: Easygoing, Chains,Brown Skin,Doctor/Pharmacist
Favored Attribute: Cunning
Maid Power: Trap, Instant Restraint
Maid Roots: Mistress
Maid Weapon: Hammer
Stress Explosion: Rampage
Your name is Luganna. You are 21 years old. You have navy eyes and beige hair, and wear a green maid uniform. You are childlike and sexy; others describe you as cute, young and charming.
You are easygoing, taking things slowly and calmly, at your own pace. Your uniform has jangling chains attached to it. Your skin is a beautiful, deep brown color. In addition to being a maid, you have the skills and education of a medical doctor or pharmacist.
Although you appear to be a maid, it would be more accurate to call you the master's lover. In combat, you wield a hammer, either a claw hammer, a warhammer or a squeaky toy hammer. When you are extremely upset, you use anything you can lay your hands on to run around destroying things around the mansion. Due to your notable Cunning, you have the ability Trap. Even if you aren't there at the time, you can have a trap prepared in advance during a battle. You also have the power of Instant Restraint; If you win a roll of Cunning vs. Athletics, you can restrain someone from doing something indecent.
КаздалевскийMaid's Name: Gerharta Kazdalevskaya
Maid's Age: 24
Athletics: 3 + 0 + 0 = 3
Affection: 2 + -1 + 0 = 1
Skill: 2 + 1 + 0 = 3
Cunning: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Luck: 1 + -1 + 0 = 0
Will: 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
Uniform Color: navy
Hair Color: navy
Eye Color: gold
Maid Types: Cool & Heroine
Special Qualities: Former Killer, Android/Gynoid,Sickly,Quiet
Favored Attribute: Skill
Maid Power: Stalking
Maid Roots: Business
Maid Weapon: Chainsaw
Stress Explosion: Spoiled Child
Your name is Gerharta. You are 24 years old. You have gold eyes and navy hair, and wear a navy maid uniform. You are cool and heroic; others describe you as earnest, single-minded and expressionless.
You used to be an assassin; your skills have not dulled with time. You are not human, but rather a human-looking robot, with a number of overtly artificial features. You have an incurable disease, though it does not hinder your ability to perform your duties. You are exceptionally quiet, with a cool, subtle demeanor.
You are a maid because you need the money, and that's about it. In combat, you fight with a chainsaw. When you are extremely upset, you act like a spoiled child, making demands from the master. Due to your notable Skill, you have the ability Stalking. When you're following someone, there's no chance for them to detect you. Don't even bother rolling dice.
ГудвинMaid's Name: Pani Goodwinova
Maid's Age: 22
Athletics: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Affection: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Skill: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Cunning: 2 + 1 + 1 = 4
Luck: 3 + 0 + 0 = 3
Will: 1 + -1 + -1 = 0
Uniform Color: gray
Hair Color: orange
Eye Color: vermillion
Maid Types: Sexy & Sexy
Special Qualities: Armor, Werewolf,Freckles,Spider,Womanizer
Favored Attribute: Cunning
Maid Power: Trap, Punishment
Maid Roots: Loyalty
Maid Weapon: Revolver
Stress Explosion: Stealing
Your name is Pani Goodwinova. You are 22 years old. You have vermillion eyes and orange hair, and wear a gray maid uniform. You are very sexy; others describe you as glamorous, coquettish and charming.
Your maid uniform is actually a stylized suit of metal armor. You are actually a werebeast; whether you want to or not, you change into your wereform during a full moon. You have a great deal of freckles. You are actually a spider, and can turn into a human-sized spider or grow six extra arms at will. You are only romantically attracted to other women, and your interest in them is cranked up to 11.
You feel great loyalty to the master. In combat, you fight with a revolver. When you are extremely upset, you steal valuables from the mansion or from other maids. Due to your notable Cunning, you have the ability Trap. Even if you aren't there at the time, you can have a trap prepared in advance during a battle. You also have the power of Punishment; When other maids make mistakes, you can gain the right to punish them, without them having a chance to make an opposed roll.
ФеанорMaid's Name: Nora Fenova
Maid's Age: 21
Athletics: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Affection: 4 + 0 + 1 = 5
Skill: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Cunning: 3 + 1 + -1 = 3
Luck: 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
Will: 3 + -1 + 0 = 2
Uniform Color: cream
Hair Color: gray
Eye Color: white
Maid Types: Sexy & Pure
Special Qualities: Large Ribbon, Ex-Lover/Love Rival,Quiet
Favored Attribute: Affection
Maid Power: Cooked With Love
Maid Roots: Who Knows?
Maid Weapon: Machinegun
Stress Explosion: Prayer
Your name is Nora Fenova. You are 21 years old. You have white eyes and gray hair, and wear a cream maid uniform. You are sexy and pure; others describe you as pure, maidenly and glamorous.
You wear a large ribbon in your hair. You used to date one of the other characters, or you and one of the other characters are competing for the affections of a third. You are exceptionally quiet, with a cool, subtle demeanor.
You're not really quite sure how you wound up becoming a maid. In combat, you wield a machinegun. When you are extremely upset, you escape through religion, relentlessly praying to heaven for protection and strength. Due to your notable Affection, you have the ability Cooked With Love. When someone eats food you've prepared, they lose 1d6 Stress.
Так как все присутствующие тут, на дайри, являются анимешными девачками и няшечками, я принял волевое решение открыть наши истинные лица. Лучшим решением для этого был рендом-чар генератор для Maid RPG.